Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Womens Standards.

So this whole thought didn't occur to me until late last night when my man and I were kicking back and watching a movie.

I had my hopes up, I guess you could say, after all...I had heard so much hype about how sexy the actor in the movie was. "Oh my god, he's so sexy!" are the words that seemed to follow the name of this movie every single time I heard it mentioned. It was craziness!

"Holy wow!", I thought, I have got to see me this fine looking man! I was all anxious when we threw the movie into the DVD player, I sat back on the couch, snuggled into my blanket and waited.

Now to any of my friends where you have been the ones to say "he's so sexy!", please don't take offence. There are so many of you out there, oddly enough,this is just a topic that I really needed to bring up and talk about.

So after sitting down during my very little spare time I for some reason decided to think about math. Ofcourse I used Marks assistance to get all the numbers, I hate math. Ew.

So here we go...my findings. I have atleast four friends (out of the 180, or approx 90 females, or so, on my fb page...it fluxuates) that find him sexy, and there are approx. three million people in Canada...divide in half for men to woman ratio, so about one point five million women...and in a nut shell this means that approx 66,666 women in Canada think that this rock hard, shielded "sex-bot" is, well, sexy. That's an incred. crazy number!!! That is 4.4% of women...

Then again, that is also 1.43 million that do not think his deep voice and large hands are a turn on. I hate to say it, but I'm with those ladies...I'm proud to say that this guy did nothing for me :)

So anyways, there we were all snuggled up watching the movie when suddenly a giant meteor hit earth on the DVD! No, it wasn't a meteor, it was a transformer! (pardon if that is suppose to be capitalized.) I was so excited, my heart beat just a tad out of time waiting to see him. The one that always seemed to be the guy talked about. Then there he was...tall, dark, and a robot. WTF? Suddenly I was abit confused. I asked Markus when he transformed did he turn human? He said no. Well WTF? See, I don't remember transformers much...I remember owning some, and to be honest, they pissed me off. Turn them this way, then that way, figure this little rubix cube of a robot out and then have fun turning it back :/ I pref. the good old Barbie doll, thank you :)

So there I was...watching this robot with utter dissapointment, when Optimus Prime starts to talk (that is the name of the robot.) So I know each and every person has their own "things" they like in a person, but to me, I'm just not into old guys yet...and by old I mean 70's or so...you know when the voice gets husky, yeah, that voice, well that was his voice...so he didn't even seem sexy when you closed your eyes. Yup...dissapointed.

Now I fully realize that I could turn out to be wrong and this guy just might be a thirty year old man who turns out to be the next "big thing", or maybe he already is. Maybe he is the "Optimus Prime" I had pictured when everyone talked about him. I'll take my chances.

Needless to say, after that, I lost interest in the movie. I think there was so much hype about the sexy, rock hard, large handed, shielded man...who really turned out to be a very big, large (because they also contained bazookas) hands, and plates that were permanently welded to his body to shield him...infact, they were part of his body, every part. Ouch.

So I guess what I'm trying to say is, it amazes me, this number...totally based on rough estimates here, that we as women are finding robots sexy. If you are one of them, remember that one of the crazy parts is that you are not alone. There are almost sixty seven thousand of you in Canada alone! Anywho, who am I to judge...I remember having a crush on Raphael from the Ninja Turtles in the 1st grade :)

1 comment:

  1. LOL I love this blog. I didn't think he was sexy either, I Just love Transformers and remember the cartoon and toys from younger years. Then again, Josh Duhamel is pretty damn hot and he's in that movie. And yes, he is a human LOL.
